Traveling Mercies, Traveling Confession

A month ago, my daughter Ivy and I traveled from the UK to Kentucky to pay respects to my great-grandmother who passed away. It was truly a blessing to be with family. The trip required long plane journeys and one exhausted mama carrying a then 11 month old around in her carrier. Strap about 20 pounds to yourself plus suitcases and walk around your neighborhood a few times. Traveling with a little one is challenging. It is the reality of living thousands of miles away from home and building a new home abroad.

Ivy, surprisingly, is a pro at travel. We went to Florida in March for my sister’s birthday and to introduce her to my side of the family. Ivy loved it. She loves looking at people. Of course, she was also 6 months on our first flight; little, portable, and happy to curl up on mommy and sleep. This second trip to America at 11 months was a little trickier. I really wanted to just let her crawl around. It was cramped. Luckily, she didn’t seem to mind being on my lap and slept most of the flights. It must be the sound of the engines. When Ivy was awake, she was thrilled to practice her new skill: waving hello. I had to tell a few passengers that she will wave for hours and they don’t have to keep waving back. She made people smile.

It has almost become an urban legend how difficult traveling is with a baby or toddler. You expect to be publicly shamed or flogged by other passengers. We’ve all either heard of or experienced that flight ruined with a screaming inconsolable baby. I was extremely blessed with a content little one.  I made sure to nurse her or give her a drink as we took off or landed and that really does help with the equilibrium in her ears. The air pressure affects some babies.  I was also truly blessed with quite a few helping hands on this last journey.  The other passengers were so kind. I have to admit that I was surprised. I had help lifting my suitcases to go in the overhead. Someone helped to carry an extra case I had to bring with me on my flight back to the UK to the airport gate shuttle. While waiting at the gate, a perfect stranger allowed me to use his cell phone so I could call my mom and get flight information back to my husband. These sound like small simple things, but in the moment they felt like miracles to me.

Now here is the confession part. I didn’t deserve any of the help I received.  Pre-baby, I did a lot of traveling. I was the younger single person on the plane who rolled her eyes when I saw a couple with kids inch their way down the tiny plane aisle. I cringed when seated near a baby. I just wanted to sleep or read or watch a film on a peaceful flight. I thought to myself why can’t she just keep her baby quiet. I had no idea what being a parent was like or that sometimes no matter what you do the baby won’t settle. I once asked a flight attendant to find me another seat as I was on the end of a long row of kids whose parents were happily snuggled across the aisle with their earphones placed firmly on their heads on a long flight. I did not want to be a free babysitter. The attendant said, “One day you will have kids.” I remember saying, “But not today!” I was never outwardly mean to anyone flying with kids, but I wasn’t overly helpful either. Inwardly, I judged parents. It’s easy to judge people when you have no idea what someone is going through.

My question is why was I so blessed? I didn’t sow very good seeds for flying with my little one. I reaped kindnesses I was unwilling to give in the past. It’s a blazing example of God’s goodness and my need. Since asking Jesus into my life, I have received so many gifts that I do not deserve or could ever earn. Because of Him, I am not the same person that I used to be. I am a work in progress. I am thankful that God’s grace doesn’t depend on my performance. “And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace.” (John 1:16)

I am thankful that Ivy is such a good traveler. I look forward to many more flights with my family in future. I look forward to opportunities to help someone else maybe struggling with a little one.


6 thoughts on “Traveling Mercies, Traveling Confession

  1. Another honest post – thank you for your honesty! Another way of God showing his love and mercy for us! (And for the other passengers on your flight with Ivy!!!!). xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Elizabeth, You are blessed because, you LOVE GOD! You are blessed.Because I dedicated you to him when you were born! I am Blessed because he allowed me to have you! You have grown into Beautiful woman with a beautiful soul! You are at the right time you should be. Please don’t be so hard on yourself. We all make mistakes. This is how we grow as the person we are! Love you very much!

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  3. The Lord’s grace knows no bounds. I always think that the Lord blesses me so that I can be a blessing to my children. I love you.


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