Happy 99th Birthday

Happy Birthday, Mamaw Bentley! Today would have been your 99th birthday. It’s written in my calendar. I was remembering today when I came to visit you when you were still living on your own in Kentucky by myself. You made a whole sheet cake just for me. We laughed and ate a piece with ice cream even though it was late. I have been thinking today what a privilege it was for my sister, brother, and me to be so close to our great grandmother, to have all the time we shared together. I miss you. I wish I had paid closer attention. I wish I had your recipe for chicken and dumplings. I can see you making them in your kitchen. I can remember you chopping up cabbage to make your slaw. I can hear your voice as if we are talking on the phone. I hope you enjoy your first birthday in heaven. I know you are with Papaw and Aunt Addie and many others. I just want to say thanks a million for everything.

Mamaw Allie Bentley in her chair at Mom’s house.

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