

And just like that the Christmas tree is down and the decorations have been packed away. I feel a little sad. We have had a non-stop month of nativities and parties; activities and feasting! Memories to cherish. There will never be another Christmas when our little ones will be 2 and 4 again. It was special.

While I love nothing more than sitting by the glow of our cozy Christmas tree, it feels good to march into a new year and this time a new decade. I realise everything isn’t rosy and we all have challenges to face, but I can’t help having hope for the year ahead.
“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19 ESV

I just hope that I am up to snuff and ready to grab hold of the new thing for 2020. Because I know God is! He is faithful and keeps His promises. My prayer is that I can perceive what God wants me to do and that I am brave enough to do it.

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