My Heart Runneth Over…

Ivy’s first pony ride.

Our Ivy Grace is five years old today! How did that happen? The time has gone by so quickly. To say I am proud of her is just not enough. Ivy is a funny sweet smart determined little person. She is caring and thoughtful. When I asked what she wanted to be when she grows up she said, “A mummy.”

We were excited for Ivy to have her first pony ride and lesson today. The instructor was good and Ivy took to it very well. She is so confident and unassuming. I have no real words of wisdom. I’m not even sure I’m good at this job. I just love being her mother. My heart is full and bursting. My heart runneth over.

2 thoughts on “My Heart Runneth Over…

  1. Oh this is just brilliant!! You are a more than good at this job! And clearly setting an example to aspire to 💓 What a heart melter.
    Ivy looks so thrilled! xx

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