Balancing Act

We are going away tomorrow. It will be our first family vacation. (British translation: holiday.) We are spending one day at Stonehenge then heading to the south coast in Devon to stay in a camper by the beach. (British translation: caravan.) I’m excited to see how our little Ivy will react to the ocean. I’m excited for it to be just the three of us with time to play and relax. I need a break from our routine. It’s a good routine. I just need to shake things up a bit. It has been 10 days since my last post. Time to write is hard for me to find. Where does time go? It’s a stupid question, but one I always ask. I have recently officially left my job to be a full-time mom, part-time Avon lady, and house wife. I feel very blessed to be able to leave my work. I am grateful to my husband. That being said, I have never been busier. I simply don’t know what I did before. Time is the great commodity. You can have all the money in the world, but if you don’t have (or take) the time to live, who cares? What good is it?

I feel pressure to manage my time better. I have spent this week getting my chores and errands done before leaving town. The house needed a good clean. It’s always nice to come home to a neat place when you have been away. It really dawned on me that I am “the Mom” as I rushed around to get things packed and ready. It feels like it’s all down to me to make things happen. My husband helps for sure, but he has been really busy with work. (Thank God!) I feel over whelmed at times. This morning as I felt the panic of my to do list, I stopped and prayed. It was like a weight was lifted. I still had a lot to do but my attitude changed. I also played and laughed with Ivy. She is sleeping soundly at the moment. I should be taking advantage and closing my eyes. I’m too wound up to sleep. Plus it is in these little pockets of time that I get to create (or vent.)  I love every minute with my sweet baby even when she is getting on my nerves. However, time to recharge is vital to me. My writing is important to me though I haven’t behaved as if it is. I need to carve out some creative time. I need to prioritize. Perhaps this diary-like rant is one big cry out to God for help. (Lord, Jesus, please here my prayer. Please help me to put you first and everything else will fall into place. Thank you. Amen.)

My goal and dream this week is to enjoy my husband and daughter but to also find some time to write. I really want Ivy to grow up watching us following our dreams and pursuing our passions. It’s time to work on my book again and finish it. Or at least see what story is there. If any. (Big sigh.) I will somewhat unplug while away. I wish you all well out there in the blogosphere. I shall return with fresh posts and energy I hope. I must close by asking you, dear readers. How do you cope? Do you manage your time well? Please click on the comment button above and spill your guts. I need all the advice I can get.


Avon Calling

As an American living in England, Avon is a little piece of home for me. I can remember being passed a book by ladies in church. As a young girl, I was excited to look through the pages and pick out a lip gloss or perfume. My mother used to order their musk fragrance. The scent lovingly reminds me of her now. I have recently become a representative for Avon. I love their mineral make up and diverse products. The products are quality. The company is reliable. And the prices make gifts and beauty essentials attainable.


As a new mama, I am happy to help the family income while looking after my lively 10 month old daughter. This will be an adventure. I have already begun knocking on doors and passing out books to friends. If you are in the UK and you don’t already have a representative, please stop by my online store: If you are within 10 miles of CB9 9SJ, delivery is free. Otherwise, there is a small postage fee. Thank you!

Do you have an Avon story? Do you have advice on working from home for new mamas? Please click on the comment button above and share.