Working the Bliss

Joseph Campbell almost had it right when he said, “Follow your bliss.” The book of Nehemiah in the Bible says, “the joy of the Lord is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10 ESV) Joy is a great motivator. The joy that the Lord gives outlasts happiness. Even in an unhappy or trying moment, the joy of the Lord gets me through. Just when I think I can’t carry on, there the Holy Spirit is encouraging me. It was for joy that I began my writing journey many months ago. I have finished the rough draft of my first book. Now it feels like the real work has begun. It is slow going at the moment. I have the desire to make this project something worth other people reading. I can blame my sluggish editing on life. My two little joys are on their summer break. We’ve had family and friends’ birthdays, play dates, beach day, swimming, and trips to the library for our summer reading. We even went bowling which I haven’t done in a long time! It’s been fun and exhausting and non stop. I am also looking for a part time job as my younger child will be in school full time in September. I will miss being a full time parent, but it is a natural progression. My children love school. It will be good for me to pursue my dreams as well. I would like to make them proud and be a good example. I don’t want this book or my writing to get lost. The real dream is to combine my working life with my bliss! Anyone hiring writers? Call me up! And yet it’s not just writing for me. I want to use my talents to give God glory, to help and encourage people. I want to share the love of Jesus and if I can do that through my writing than I will be one blissful lady!

And that leads me back to my editing block. Writing is rewriting. I am facing a block of my own fear. This is the bummer part. Self doubt comes to steal my joy. I started to re-read my rough draft and I just kept thinking is this good enough? Will a reader find this interesting? Am I making any sense? I started questioning the whole book. Now I am procrastinating. I don’t want to face the nasty “good enough”fairy. While avoiding the work today, I read a Bible study by Joyce Meyer. I am laughing at myself now because the title is literally, “Are you asking for help?” Palm to face moment! The other subtitle is, “Not in Your Own Strengthen!” Sometimes God has to speak loud to get my attention. In all caps with lots of exclamation points!!! Can anyone else relate? The scripture that hooked me was, “For it is [not your strength, but it is] God who is effectively at work in you, both to will and to work [that is, strengthening, energizing, and creating in you the longing and the ability to fulfill your purpose] for His good pleasure.” –Philippians 2:13 (AMP) God gave me the longing to write. He gave me the idea in the first place. He will work through me to complete His purpose. I need only to ask for His help. I ask God to energize me and guide me as I edit and re-write this book. I must remember the joy. What joy will it be if I can encourage even just one reader? And so, I will drink a little more coffee and find those moments to myself to write. It is worth the work when I do it in God’s strengthen. I hope that you can follow the joy of the Lord and the purpose He has placed on your heart today.

Trying to look professional…

Summer Reading List

Summer is practically here! One of my favorite things about this time of year is coming up with a list of books to read. I used to love my summer reading when I was in school. Now I get to pick the books. I may not get through all of them, but it is still fun to try. This year I have two reading buddies. My kids Ivy and Albert will be joining the challenge. They love going to the library and picking out new books. I have already started reading to them one of our summer picks, The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame. If we can finish that one together, then we will read Matilda by Roald Dahl. I’m excited for Ivy and Albert to hear these stories for the first time. I will also get to re-live them and enjoy them all over again.

My grown up reading list looks a little different. I would love to get lost in a good book as I sit out back in the sun. However, I will have the kids to entertain, all my chores, and writing projects to keep up. So many books, so little time! I have promised myself a good read as a reward for finishing the rough draft of my book. That title will be at the top of my list. Here goes:

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

Breathe Devotional by multiple authors

The Abbey Mystery by Julia Golding (Tween fiction research. By research I mean fun!)

Amazed by Jesus by Simon Ponsonby

Finding the Peacemakers by Dan Morrice

I still have a lot of work to do before I can begin. I can’t wait. My list is a nice mix of fiction, Bible study, and non-fiction. Do you make a summer reading list? What have you picked this year? I would love to swap titles. If you don’t have a list or have never made one up for yourself, I hope you feel inspired. My goal is to never stop learning. We learn so much from exploring a good story or studying someone else’s experiences. It’s how I like to beat the summer heat!

Peace, Books, and Other Stuff

It feels good to come back to my blog. Between the lock down at the start of this year, homeschooling, putting children back into school, and re-settling into extra activities, time to myself to write has been scarce. The winter lock down was far more difficult for me this time. We have had family issues and loss. Despite the struggles, the time away has been oddly fruitful. My heart went into my first calling which is being a mother. I have poured my energy into my kids and I don’t regret it one bit. They are growing so fast and trying new things. I love watching them explore the world around them. They are beginning to hone out their own personalities and interests. I am more than eager to nurture them. However, as they grow up, I also want to continue to grow as a person. I started this blog to hang onto a piece of myself, to have an outlet, and to write. I have always been a writer. The time feels right to finally go for it. It’s never too late to fulfill a dream. So, I move forward prayerfully as dream meets ministry.

In October I started writing a book. I can’t take credit for the idea. I feel like God has placed this subject on my heart. The book is about mothers in the Bible and how their stories can inspire us today. I also aim to show how much God values women, carers and mothers. Parenting is a calling and ministry. I am still in the first draft stage. I have a lot of work to do. Watch this space for more updates! I will be calling on my tribe for help as well. I will need readers, honest opinions, and a lot of prayer. It is scary yet exciting. I hope this is a first of many books to come. The thought that encourages me is that I only need to be willing because God is able!

Please follow the purpose God has put on your heart! Now is the time to start. Step out in faith and go for it! I know that if I don’t write this book, I won’t have peace. I believe we must follow the peace that God gives us. In Luke chapter 10, Jesus sent out 72 believers into surrounding villages to minister to people. In verses 5-11, Jesus instructs them to stay with households that accepted their peace. This was to be their ministry base. (Joyce Meyer article in the Amplified Bible Luke 10) If they were not received with peace, then the followers of Jesus were to “shake the dust of that town off their feet” and move on. The message we can draw from this is that we must pursue the peace that Jesus offers us. From a peaceful place, we can minister to others. Also, if you are unsure about what God wants you to do, pray about it. If you feel peaceful about the project, you are probably on point. If you have no peace, continue to pray for God’s direction. He has a purpose and plan for you!

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NIV)

“For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.” Jeremiah 29:11 (AMPC)

My new reading glasses!

Happy Thanksgiving

We really have a lot to be thankful for this year. I was happy to celebrate Thanksgiving with our family of four and my family in America through video chats. I also enjoyed introducing our kids to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. Our joys are shadowed by Covid 19 and the events of this year. But I really believe a thankful heart is a happy heart. We are healthy and safe. We have each other. We are far from loved ones and may have to wait a long time to see them in person. I am thankful for the technology that brings us together. Of course we are always in each other’s hearts.

Yummy Thanksgiving dinner!

Egg Carton Owls and Other Thoughts

My favourite craft that the kids and I created during home school is the egg carton snowy owl. I might have enjoyed making these a little more then the kids. We used little sections of tissue paper to represent the feathers. The glue itself is instant entrainment for them. Sometimes I just don’t feel like doing crafts. For all the paint, tape, toilet rolls, markers, and mess that covers the dining room table, it may only amount to 10 minutes of activity. It’s exhausting. But my little ones love it! They get to stretch their creative muscles and make many choices. They get so much out of cutting and pasting bits and pieces together. We’ve moved on now to Science experiments. I mean I am about to willingly buy glitter, white vinegar, and food colouring all so my kids can make an exploding frothy potion go basically everywhere. This is a house keeping disaster. But to see my kiddos faces light up and know their minds are being blown as they learn a little about the world around them… It’s worth it.

Snowy Owls

I have a few other projects lined up this summer which includes clearing out the guest room, utility room, and my car. All of these tasks, if completed, will make my husband a very happy man. I don’t really relish organising things, but it needs to be done. These mundane things really do matter if you can make a loved one feel better. Especially now when the situation we are in is so uncertain. If I am struggling to smile, I’ve recently learned that making someone else smile makes all the difference. Bible teacher and writer, Joyce Meyer, says when you have a problem, “trust God and do good.” I think she is absolutely right. When I am tempted to wallow in my own troubles (and it is tempting to do so) I try to encourage someone else. I also ask for help. I ask my friends to pray with me. Neither of these things are easy to do, but the benefits are so worth it. Instantly, my focus is off of me. Now I’m free for God to show me how I can help someone else. Putting other people first is what it is all about and ironically, brings me joy too.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”

Day 1 of Social Distancing or God I Need Patience and a lot of Glitter Glue

Hello. It is the end of our first day of social distancing. It was so sunny and beautiful outside. Springtime is here and unaware of our collective plight. Yesterday was Ivy’s last day of school and really our last day of normal. Albert our youngest keeps asking when we are going to meet somebody or when he will have play group. We’ve talked about germs and sickness and really tried to explain the out break on a 2 and 4 year old level. I had somewhat of a plan for today: painting rainbows, cartoons, and making Rice Krispie treats. (The treats were a disaster as I had to leave the stove to break up a fight between the kids.) But I am getting ahead of myself.

Thursday I stocked up on paints and art supplies as I want to keep Ivy and Albert busy during this unusual amount of time at home. Within hours of bringing in my shopping, most of the glitter glue was gone! Ivy made good bye notes for a few of her school friends and Albert followed along creating art! I thought to myself that this is going to be a long haul. 

Today started so beautifully with breakfast and giggles and colourful paint brushes (all water washable.) We played outside in the sun with Daddy in a park. We also helped our Church Sunday Club by dropping off flowers on doorsteps. And some church goers were home and said hello at a distance. (Tomorrow is Mother’s Day in England.) The kids loved making deliveries. Naps were hard to achieve and the afternoon/early evening were wrought with meltdowns and bickering. So we did yoga stretches while I cooked an easy nugget and pasta with frozen veggies for their dinner. And breathe.

Tonight, I had my own mini meltdown as I looked at Ivy’s class page for home learning. The reality of all that has been happening over the past few weeks came crashing down on me. I have to teach my child and come up with lessons and entertain the younger child. I can’t get back to America if my parents or family members get sick or need me. We have to stay in and avoid contact with you know everyone! Not to mention people are so sick and dying. Many are overworked while others have lost their jobs.  Look, God I need You big time!!

”For I am the Lord your God 
who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13 (NIV)

I share all this to say we are in this together all in the same place. How oddly unifying?! And Christ is with us too. God is here extending His mighty hand to us. Lord, I grab ahold of You. Please help! Help us to pray for each other and lift each other up.

Today held many high highs and low lows. It is the first of many days like this one.  While I have no idea where to begin as Mommy/Teacher, I will keep looking up and focusing on the highs. All things considered, we are very blessed.

I won’t bore anyone with our day by day hour by hour home dramas! But I will try to blog some encouragement from time to time. Please comment or leave a prayer request. Good night and God bless.


Happy Pancake Day

Let the pancake frying begin!

I feel really full of pancakes right now. As Ivy and Albert drift off to sleep, my heart feels full as well. This is truly a special time. As we begin the Lent season, I try to focus on what these six weeks are all about. Sacrifice. Preparation. Contemplation. And teaching my children about Jesus. I have decided to give up desserts this year. It’s a broad category including cakes, sweets, and my tired mummy stash of dark chocolate for daily emergencies! It will be a good practice in self control but a small gesture when compared to the ultimate sacrifice Christ made for us. I came across this verse the other day as I was reading. “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” Proverbs 4:23 (NLT) It made me think about the spiritual discipline that I need. Am I harbouring negative thoughts? Or regrets that may be holding me back? What’s in my heart that I need to give up? I hope to dive into these issues and more with the Lord over the next 40 days. Will you join me? Are you observing Lent this year? Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. And excuse me as I go eat my last bit of chocolate for the next six weeks!

Embrace the Grace

Art work by Ivy Grace

My original title for this piece was “Embrace the Chaos,” but I think this is the wrong idea. Last week, chaos came in the form of noses bleeds, a flushed iPhone, and one bag with wallet left in a hospital restroom! I am trying to model stability and set a good example for my little humans. Not only is it exhausting but I often feel like I am missing the mark. I don’t know where my idea that family life is supposed to run smoothly comes from, but it’s there in the back of my mind, laughing at me. 

Then in my morning verses I find, “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.” (2 Corinthians 9:8) Something inside me says, “Ahhh.” I feel a little more relaxed. While I know that I am not sufficient in all things myself, God gives me the grace to do what I need to do. His grace, if I accept it, will keep me calm. My bag, by the way, was safely returned to us and my phone seems to be working. (Praise God!)

Although the kids will bonk heads and get nose bleeds (Albert is okay, bless him) and I will continue to lose things, we will make it through the day. Life will continue to throw some chaos my way, but I don’t have to let it wreck me. I can stand strong in the grace of God. It is very reassuring to this mama to know that the weight of my role doesn’t rest solely on my shoulders.

 So, if your day turns unexpectedly or your having a rough time, try to embrace the grace. That is my prayer today. Dear Lord, please help me to embrace your loving grace. Amen.




And just like that the Christmas tree is down and the decorations have been packed away. I feel a little sad. We have had a non-stop month of nativities and parties; activities and feasting! Memories to cherish. There will never be another Christmas when our little ones will be 2 and 4 again. It was special.

While I love nothing more than sitting by the glow of our cozy Christmas tree, it feels good to march into a new year and this time a new decade. I realise everything isn’t rosy and we all have challenges to face, but I can’t help having hope for the year ahead.
“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19 ESV

I just hope that I am up to snuff and ready to grab hold of the new thing for 2020. Because I know God is! He is faithful and keeps His promises. My prayer is that I can perceive what God wants me to do and that I am brave enough to do it.

A Litany of Thank Yous

Our only Thanksgiving picture, Pumpkin butter pie!

As I lay in bed having just had a nice hot shower, both children are asleep, and my husband tunes the Christmas radio station, I am thankful. I am thankful that we had a wonderful Thanksgiving meal last night with dear friends. I am thankful to God for helping me through a busy week of school runs, speech and doctor appointments, play group and activities. I am so grateful for the nurse practitioner for seeing my youngest who has a little ear infection and me today.  I am grateful for health care and medicine. I am also thankful that said nurse practitioner had good tips for supplements and boosts for the stay-at-home mummy trenches. He reminded me that I need to take care of myself too.

I have so many things to be grateful for that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Husband, kids, family, friends, faith, church family, able body, warm house, food, hot running water, a good car, good school and community for our kids. I could go on and on. God is amazing, good and true. I am so grateful to God.

There is room for all of us in God’s kingdom. Take that in a minute. All ( and I do mean all people) are loved  and wanted by God. No race is more important than another to God. No nation is more important than another. No sex is of greater value. We don’t need to pay for His love or earn it.  We couldn’t afford God’s love anyway! His love is infinite and freely given. I thank God for Jesus, the embodiment of His love. Christmas is coming! I am thankful.

”For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11