Peace, Books, and Other Stuff

It feels good to come back to my blog. Between the lock down at the start of this year, homeschooling, putting children back into school, and re-settling into extra activities, time to myself to write has been scarce. The winter lock down was far more difficult for me this time. We have had family issues and loss. Despite the struggles, the time away has been oddly fruitful. My heart went into my first calling which is being a mother. I have poured my energy into my kids and I don’t regret it one bit. They are growing so fast and trying new things. I love watching them explore the world around them. They are beginning to hone out their own personalities and interests. I am more than eager to nurture them. However, as they grow up, I also want to continue to grow as a person. I started this blog to hang onto a piece of myself, to have an outlet, and to write. I have always been a writer. The time feels right to finally go for it. It’s never too late to fulfill a dream. So, I move forward prayerfully as dream meets ministry.

In October I started writing a book. I can’t take credit for the idea. I feel like God has placed this subject on my heart. The book is about mothers in the Bible and how their stories can inspire us today. I also aim to show how much God values women, carers and mothers. Parenting is a calling and ministry. I am still in the first draft stage. I have a lot of work to do. Watch this space for more updates! I will be calling on my tribe for help as well. I will need readers, honest opinions, and a lot of prayer. It is scary yet exciting. I hope this is a first of many books to come. The thought that encourages me is that I only need to be willing because God is able!

Please follow the purpose God has put on your heart! Now is the time to start. Step out in faith and go for it! I know that if I don’t write this book, I won’t have peace. I believe we must follow the peace that God gives us. In Luke chapter 10, Jesus sent out 72 believers into surrounding villages to minister to people. In verses 5-11, Jesus instructs them to stay with households that accepted their peace. This was to be their ministry base. (Joyce Meyer article in the Amplified Bible Luke 10) If they were not received with peace, then the followers of Jesus were to “shake the dust of that town off their feet” and move on. The message we can draw from this is that we must pursue the peace that Jesus offers us. From a peaceful place, we can minister to others. Also, if you are unsure about what God wants you to do, pray about it. If you feel peaceful about the project, you are probably on point. If you have no peace, continue to pray for God’s direction. He has a purpose and plan for you!

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NIV)

“For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.” Jeremiah 29:11 (AMPC)

My new reading glasses!

Bonfire Night

Last night, November 5, 2020, was Bonfire Night. My American understanding of this day is that it is a celebration of the democracy that Parliament represents for England. The fact that someone tried to blow it all away and was stopped is really important. My kids just wanted to light sparklers. Fireworks went off in the sky over our neighborhood. The children were very excited at first to see the explosion of colors. Unfortunately, our little one got very frightened by the loud booming noises. I comforted him and we distracted the kids with our little sparkler attempt in the back garden. Our younger one was not at all interested now. Our older daughter tried a sparkler after I showed her how to hold it. The appeal didn’t last long and off to bed they went though unable to sleep for a bit. I can relate. The spark for many of us has fizzled out quickly this year. Hiding under the bed covers sounds like a good idea to me!!

It was also the first day of our second lock down. This time feels a little more manageable as the children will still go to school. We’ve only had two months back at Church and Sunday club. We will miss meeting in person and replace it again with Zoom meetings. Our extra activities such as swimming for both kids and ballet for our older one will stop/move online. Socially distanced play dates, meet ups, and coffee dates must halt. It’s as if someone is trying to ruin our fun. But it is important to fight this virus. Protecting each other is the most important thing right now.

This pandemic has been an eye opener for me. An unwanted mirror. Am I capable of putting others first? Am I really this selfish? Our younger son who is three said at dinner earlier this week, “I love you, Mummy, so much! But I don’t love the virus.” I had to really keep it together as I looked into his big green eyes. I reassured him that I loved him and that we will look after each other. That is what we need to do as a community. With these darker, longer Autumn and Winter nights, let’s light a sparkler for each other!