Egg Carton Owls and Other Thoughts

My favourite craft that the kids and I created during home school is the egg carton snowy owl. I might have enjoyed making these a little more then the kids. We used little sections of tissue paper to represent the feathers. The glue itself is instant entrainment for them. Sometimes I just don’t feel like doing crafts. For all the paint, tape, toilet rolls, markers, and mess that covers the dining room table, it may only amount to 10 minutes of activity. It’s exhausting. But my little ones love it! They get to stretch their creative muscles and make many choices. They get so much out of cutting and pasting bits and pieces together. We’ve moved on now to Science experiments. I mean I am about to willingly buy glitter, white vinegar, and food colouring all so my kids can make an exploding frothy potion go basically everywhere. This is a house keeping disaster. But to see my kiddos faces light up and know their minds are being blown as they learn a little about the world around them… It’s worth it.

Snowy Owls

I have a few other projects lined up this summer which includes clearing out the guest room, utility room, and my car. All of these tasks, if completed, will make my husband a very happy man. I don’t really relish organising things, but it needs to be done. These mundane things really do matter if you can make a loved one feel better. Especially now when the situation we are in is so uncertain. If I am struggling to smile, I’ve recently learned that making someone else smile makes all the difference. Bible teacher and writer, Joyce Meyer, says when you have a problem, “trust God and do good.” I think she is absolutely right. When I am tempted to wallow in my own troubles (and it is tempting to do so) I try to encourage someone else. I also ask for help. I ask my friends to pray with me. Neither of these things are easy to do, but the benefits are so worth it. Instantly, my focus is off of me. Now I’m free for God to show me how I can help someone else. Putting other people first is what it is all about and ironically, brings me joy too.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”

It Starts at Home

A good friend of mine said, “Blog!” So, here we go. I’m not sure how we got from March to June without an update. It’s been a whirling merry-go-round of home schooling, coffee, playing, clapping, Zoom chats, reading together, time outs, baking bread, laughter, singing, living room dance parties, news briefings, tears, projects, daily walks, scooters, scavenger hunts, den building, shopping wearing masks, watching SGN, not sleeping, going back to sleep and wearing stretchy comfy clothes around the clock. We’ve had virtual birthdays and virtual date nights. Sadly, we’ve had one virtual memorial. We are tired.

As things slowly open up again, we look for normality. This week our bubble world changes. Our oldest child returns to school on Thursdays and Fridays. It will be a good change for her and everyone. I’m pleased we still have three days of home schooling together. We will miss her. The virus is still a threat, but I have faith that the school’s staff are doing all they can to minimise infection.

We made our own pizzas.

Though physically we have kept our distance, in some ways we are closer to people than ever. How could we not let others into our hearts with so much sickness and loss around us? And there is another virus which has plagued our society for too many years. We have watched the brutality and racism play out before us in the news. Often I feel helpless. What can I do? How can I show love and respect for my fellow humans in pain and fear and righteous anger? So I pray. I examine myself and ask God to search my heart, bring to light my own prejudices and bias. I try to educate myself.

In outrage, I share stories. I raise awareness amongst my friends and family. I realise my greatest power for change starts right here in my home. I teach my children to love and include people. I teach them that we are all made in God’s image. We are all worthy of love, respect, equal rights and freedom. No one should have to live in fear for their lives for the colour of their skin. I ask for wisdom. I vote and stand up for justice as much as possible. I draw near to God and as His word says, He draws near to me. (James 4:8)

If you are feeling overwhelmed or powerless in these difficult and uncertain times, draw near to the Source. Draw near to the light that is Jesus.

Happy Pancake Day

Let the pancake frying begin!

I feel really full of pancakes right now. As Ivy and Albert drift off to sleep, my heart feels full as well. This is truly a special time. As we begin the Lent season, I try to focus on what these six weeks are all about. Sacrifice. Preparation. Contemplation. And teaching my children about Jesus. I have decided to give up desserts this year. It’s a broad category including cakes, sweets, and my tired mummy stash of dark chocolate for daily emergencies! It will be a good practice in self control but a small gesture when compared to the ultimate sacrifice Christ made for us. I came across this verse the other day as I was reading. “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” Proverbs 4:23 (NLT) It made me think about the spiritual discipline that I need. Am I harbouring negative thoughts? Or regrets that may be holding me back? What’s in my heart that I need to give up? I hope to dive into these issues and more with the Lord over the next 40 days. Will you join me? Are you observing Lent this year? Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. And excuse me as I go eat my last bit of chocolate for the next six weeks!

The End of the Summer

And so, just like that, it is the end of the summer. Normally, I would be thrilled. I am an Autumn person. (Changing leaves, chilly air, cardigans and pumpkin spice everything…) But this year is different. I’m not ready for the summer to end. It has been a special sweet time for our little family. Our daughter Ivy Grace, turned 4. I turned 40. Albert (age 2) is so chatty and finally old enough to play with Ivy. We’ve had many adventures to the park, library, play grounds, and splash parks. We’ve had picnics and crafting and dress up. We’ve gone to cinema, festivals and birthday parties. We baked cakes and bread and have had many treats. It has been a memorable summer.


Ivy starts reception class in a week and is quickly progressing to full days of school! I just don’t know how our time together has passed by so quickly. I am going to miss her when she goes to school. It’s the strangest feeling. I’m so proud of Ivy. She loves school. I’m excited for her to learn and grow but I am sad to see our pre-school era end. Albert will miss Ivy too I’m sure. It will be good to give him extra one-on-one time. My heart! Mothering is tough stuff. As these little ones get bigger, I need to figure out what I want to do too. I am starting a new decade and era of my own. Life. The longer I live the more and more I think that time is our most precious possession. And yet no one knows how much of it we really have. “My times are in your hands…” Psalm 31:15  My prayer is to use it wisely.


And so, we head off to the beach tomorrow to soak up as much time with Ivy and Albert as possible.

A Caring Heart


My mom, Diana, is one of those people who truly likes to be behind the scenes. She is at her happiest putting other people first.  Since it is her birthday and a special day, I just want to let Mom know how much we appreciate her.

From a young age, Mom has been a thoughtful caregiver. She helped look after her baby sister. As a young mother, she cared for three children sacrificing so much for us.  Professionally, Diana has carved out a successful career as a nurse. Mom spends many hours caring for elderly patients. It is much more than a job for her as she loves and listens to her sometimes forgotten residents.

I know she is probably cringing now and I don’t want to embarrass her much more. I just want to say, Mom, I am so fortunate to have you as my role model. You have a caring heart. Thank you for all that you do for us. I love and miss you. I wish we could be with you today to celebrate. We are there in spirit and can’t wait to say hello via video.  Xoxo

Happy Birthday Albert


As of 9:12 pm tonight our sweet Albert Aaron is one year old. It’s hard to grasp how fast this past year as gone by for us. I am amazed at how much our little guy has grown. I can’t imagine our family without him.

Albert has been walking for two months now and he is fast. He adores big sister Ivy and is determined to keep up with her. When we play music or Daddy makes a milk shake, Albert will start turning in circles. I call it his happy dance! He says Dadda and Mama and uh-oh. He’s a pretty good mimic with sounds. Albert loves to eat and some of his favourite foods are cheese, blue berries, turkey nuggets and toast. He gives the sweetest cuddly hugs and it just melts my heart when he toddles over to me with open arms.

Happy Birthday Albert Aaron! We love you. We are so proud of you.


Pregnancy Perks

“Kiss the baby Ivy!”

At 38 weeks, I realize that I won’t be pregnant much longer. And I really have no idea if I will ever be in this condition again. So, I just want to share my experience in childbearing thus far.  I love being pregnant. It’s true a lot of weird and wonderful things happen to your body. (I’ll try not to get too gross here.) At the same time, there are perks to being pregnant. For instance, I can nap when Ivy naps without  judgement. No one will begrudge a pregnant lady the chance to sit and put her feet up! Secondly, the FOOD. I could write another blog just on eating whilst pregnant alone. It’s wonderful. When you crave something and finally get to eat it, wow how satisfying. I love having a healthy appetite and knowing that my choices are nourishing my growing baby. I also love feeling the baby move. It is at the same time exciting and alien and wonderful and uncomfortable. This baby moves so differently than Ivy. Ivy was a kicker. This little one seems to roll around making my belly ripple and look grotesque. It’s so cool.

No two pregnancies are alike, yet I have this shared experience with millions of other women. This is very comforting as delivery day approaches. I love that my body was created to nurture another human being as he or she prepares to come into the world. I love that the Holy Spirit is in my womb “knitting together,” this unique and precious person. (Psalm 139:13) Children are a blessing from the Lord and it is a privilege to have one. And now we will have two! We are doubly blessed. I am humbled and grateful. Life is a miracle. My pregnancy may make me extra emotional, but it also brings into focus the fragility and preciousness of life.

While I don’t love the back pain, indigestion, and a list of other annoying symptoms, these are a small price to pay.  Now hurry up and come out little one! Your family is thrilled to meet you.

Strength for All Things

Ivy Grace is 18 months old. This is hard to believe! She has grown so much and the time has gone by so fast. Now we are expecting our second little bundle. Despite the growing physical evidence, it doesn’t seem real sometimes.  This pregnancy is different. I don’t have time to focus on it like I did before. Ivy keeps me hopping. I feel so blessed and privileged that our little family is growing. At the same time, I hope I can be enough for two babies at once. As we still struggle to get Ivy to sleep through the night, I can’t help but think what am I going to do with a newborn?! How I am going to night feed and settle a toddler climbing out of bed running to our room?! Though we are enjoying parenthood, the nights can seem long and dark at times. Sleep deprivation combined with hormones have done a number on me.

Caught in the snow.

Philippians 4:13 AMP- “I have strength for all things through Christ who empowers me. I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me. I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency.”

Sometimes I don’t feel very strong. Most times I don’t feel very strong. I know in my heart this verse is true. It doesn’t always feel true. It doesn’t feel like I can be up all hours and then gracious as Ivy refuses to nap meaning no sleep again for me. Smiling and entertaining a toddler through tears is not ideal. But I am learning to be led by the Holy Spirit instead of my ever-changing emotions. It is a process and a daily challenge.

The above verse is the first one I memorized this year as part of the Siesta Scripture Memory Team 2017 with Beth Moore and Living Proof ministries. This online challenge is really sweet to me as I participated in 2015 when I was expecting Ivy. It seems fitting to do it again during this pregnancy. It must be God-designed. He knows how much I need Him. I have so much love in my heart for my husband and babies, but I am not physically able to do what I need to do without God. The dark days happen when I get caught up in my feelings and negative thoughts. When I get so caught up in the circumstances that I forget to pray, forget to recite my verses, forget that I don’t have to do this on my own, that is when I really struggle. Even still I know God is there nudging me to come to Him. And when I do cry out to God, He is faithful. Always. The more I work on my verses, the more the Word comes to mind just in time.

Daddy/daughter cuddles!

I know I’m not the only one. Maybe you are a parent like me juggling family life or caring for an aging parent or dealing with a stressful job. Maybe you are dealing with a loss. Maybe you are kept up at night by the evening news. Whatever it is you are going through, please, know that you can have strength for today. You can have strength for all things through Christ. You only need to ask.

Only Love

Happy New Year everyone! Christmas has come and gone again. It was wonderful experiencing the holiday anew with our little one Ivy. She was so excited. On the other hand, Christmas can also be a little sad for me living so far from family and remembering lost loved ones. Even so, I love this time of year. At the core of it all is the joy of the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ. Emmanuel. God is with us. The miracle of God’s love which I want to keep with me throughout the year.

During my blog hiatus, I sat down to write (especially since the US election) many times. I was just too emotional and angry to publish. I didn’t want to add to the barrage of negativity already out there.  I wanted to wait until I could encourage and lift us up. My conclusion after taking time to think about it is, all that matters is love. Maybe that sounds overly simple, but it is the truth.

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned,[a] but have not love, it profits me nothing.” 1 Corinthians 13:1-3

I am in the middle of a Bible study called Power Thoughts by Joyce Meyer. The idea of the book is on purpose thinking and aligning my inner life with God’s word. Replace the negative thoughts with positive thoughts. The chapter I am studying now is: “I love people and I enjoy helping them.” This is more challenging than I expected it to be for me. I love people, I really do. But am I actively loving people? Do I demonstrate God’s love to others? Love is an action. It’s easy for me to say I love people, but what do I do about it? As I process 2016 and dive head first into 2017, I want my focus to be on other people. I ask God daily to let something good happen through me to bless someone else. I also ask Him for the courage to reach out to people whenever the opportunity arises. I think in the world we live in now, more than ever, people need to know love, real no strings-attached or hidden agenda love.

How about you, dear reader? Is there a burden on your heart for 2017? What are you determined to do better or differently this year? Please, click on the comment button above and share your heart.