The End of the Summer

And so, just like that, it is the end of the summer. Normally, I would be thrilled. I am an Autumn person. (Changing leaves, chilly air, cardigans and pumpkin spice everything…) But this year is different. I’m not ready for the summer to end. It has been a special sweet time for our little family. Our daughter Ivy Grace, turned 4. I turned 40. Albert (age 2) is so chatty and finally old enough to play with Ivy. We’ve had many adventures to the park, library, play grounds, and splash parks. We’ve had picnics and crafting and dress up. We’ve gone to cinema, festivals and birthday parties. We baked cakes and bread and have had many treats. It has been a memorable summer.


Ivy starts reception class in a week and is quickly progressing to full days of school! I just don’t know how our time together has passed by so quickly. I am going to miss her when she goes to school. It’s the strangest feeling. I’m so proud of Ivy. She loves school. I’m excited for her to learn and grow but I am sad to see our pre-school era end. Albert will miss Ivy too I’m sure. It will be good to give him extra one-on-one time. My heart! Mothering is tough stuff. As these little ones get bigger, I need to figure out what I want to do too. I am starting a new decade and era of my own. Life. The longer I live the more and more I think that time is our most precious possession. And yet no one knows how much of it we really have. “My times are in your hands…” Psalm 31:15  My prayer is to use it wisely.


And so, we head off to the beach tomorrow to soak up as much time with Ivy and Albert as possible.

A Caring Heart


My mom, Diana, is one of those people who truly likes to be behind the scenes. She is at her happiest putting other people first.  Since it is her birthday and a special day, I just want to let Mom know how much we appreciate her.

From a young age, Mom has been a thoughtful caregiver. She helped look after her baby sister. As a young mother, she cared for three children sacrificing so much for us.  Professionally, Diana has carved out a successful career as a nurse. Mom spends many hours caring for elderly patients. It is much more than a job for her as she loves and listens to her sometimes forgotten residents.

I know she is probably cringing now and I don’t want to embarrass her much more. I just want to say, Mom, I am so fortunate to have you as my role model. You have a caring heart. Thank you for all that you do for us. I love and miss you. I wish we could be with you today to celebrate. We are there in spirit and can’t wait to say hello via video.  Xoxo

For My Mother, Diana, on her Birthday

For you, Mom, on your birthday.

I know you would rather we forget. But I want to celebrate you and all that you have done.

When I think about you, Mom, I think of all that you have given.

You care and give and care and give for others over and over again.

You always put your family first. Those you love feel it true.

Your patients are much more than just a job, but lives you have touched.

You always seem to put yourself last. Thank you for your sacrificial love.

As I watch Ivy play in her toy box, I realize all that I never really knew about you, Mom.

I never knew about all the tears and smiles and sighs and laughter.

Or all the late nights you watched me sleep or worried about a cold or held me with a

piercing earache; all the times you stopped and prayed for me.

I never really knew about all the meals and baths and scraped knees kissed.

I see you clearly now, Mom, and how much it cost you to care for us;

how we three are blessed to have you.

Only now as I care for my own little one do I really see and feel your love.

Thank you is not enough. I love you more than ever, Diana, my mother, on your birthday.
