Pregnancy Perks

“Kiss the baby Ivy!”

At 38 weeks, I realize that I won’t be pregnant much longer. And I really have no idea if I will ever be in this condition again. So, I just want to share my experience in childbearing thus far.  I love being pregnant. It’s true a lot of weird and wonderful things happen to your body. (I’ll try not to get too gross here.) At the same time, there are perks to being pregnant. For instance, I can nap when Ivy naps without  judgement. No one will begrudge a pregnant lady the chance to sit and put her feet up! Secondly, the FOOD. I could write another blog just on eating whilst pregnant alone. It’s wonderful. When you crave something and finally get to eat it, wow how satisfying. I love having a healthy appetite and knowing that my choices are nourishing my growing baby. I also love feeling the baby move. It is at the same time exciting and alien and wonderful and uncomfortable. This baby moves so differently than Ivy. Ivy was a kicker. This little one seems to roll around making my belly ripple and look grotesque. It’s so cool.

No two pregnancies are alike, yet I have this shared experience with millions of other women. This is very comforting as delivery day approaches. I love that my body was created to nurture another human being as he or she prepares to come into the world. I love that the Holy Spirit is in my womb “knitting together,” this unique and precious person. (Psalm 139:13) Children are a blessing from the Lord and it is a privilege to have one. And now we will have two! We are doubly blessed. I am humbled and grateful. Life is a miracle. My pregnancy may make me extra emotional, but it also brings into focus the fragility and preciousness of life.

While I don’t love the back pain, indigestion, and a list of other annoying symptoms, these are a small price to pay.  Now hurry up and come out little one! Your family is thrilled to meet you.