Lord of the Harvest


This is the last day of my favorite month. It would not be me if I didn’t write about it. I love autumn. I know this is really trendy now, but I have always loved the fall. It evokes childhood memories of school, zipping up my coat, splashing through piles of red, yellow, and brown leaves. I was born in Ohio and lived there until I was about 6 or 7 years old.  It was a thrilling time. I remember hay rides and harvest festivals, carving pumpkins and dressing in my Mamaw’s clothes as an impromptu costume. When my family moved to Florida and the excitement of the beach wore off, I missed the seasonal changes especially the beauty of the fall. I still love the crisp cool air and changing leaves. I love all things pumpkin and spice. Autumnal flavors are so homey and comforting. I don’t mind the early nights. It is a natural time for me to rest and take stock of the year thus far. It is curl-up-and-read-a-good-book weather when I’m not chasing Ivy now of course!

All four seasons are important. It is God’s perfect design. “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, will not cease.” (Genesis 8:22). We can count on these changes year after year. There is just something about harvest time for me. As I don’t have the privilege of living on a farm and the literal satisfaction of reaping seeds sown, this season takes on a spiritual meaning for me. I feel thankful, thankful for my family and all that the year has brought us. I look ahead to the new year that is coming and hope for growth and blessings. I examine myself. Am I sowing good things in life? Am I someone the Lord of the harvest can rely on? Am I pursuing those things that God has laid on my heart to pursue? I get excited in the fall. I just feel alive. My God loves to bless us and He loves for us to reap the fruit of our good decisions. That is what this season represents for me.

We took Ivy to a pumpkin patch this past weekend. She loved it. It was special for me to be able to share something with her that I used to do as a child. Especially now that I live in another country, it means a lot to be able to show her things that remind me of home. I look forward to making many more memories with our family in the seasons to come. I hope that I can pass on my love for all things autumn. I hope and pray that I can be an example for my daughter. I want to live out my faith authentically before her as a labourer of the Lord. I will hopefully make this time of year exciting and fun for her. Now as we wake up into November, I look forward to Thanksgiving and of course Christmas is coming! And it’s too early yet to stress about it! My plan this week is to work on some pumpkin recipes. I think pumpkin muffins and pie are definitely in my future. So, if you are a spring or summer person, I have no illusions about converting you. I just wanted to share some of the joys this season can bring.

“He said to them, ‘The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.'” (Luke 10:2)