It Starts at Home

A good friend of mine said, “Blog!” So, here we go. I’m not sure how we got from March to June without an update. It’s been a whirling merry-go-round of home schooling, coffee, playing, clapping, Zoom chats, reading together, time outs, baking bread, laughter, singing, living room dance parties, news briefings, tears, projects, daily walks, scooters, scavenger hunts, den building, shopping wearing masks, watching SGN, not sleeping, going back to sleep and wearing stretchy comfy clothes around the clock. We’ve had virtual birthdays and virtual date nights. Sadly, we’ve had one virtual memorial. We are tired.

As things slowly open up again, we look for normality. This week our bubble world changes. Our oldest child returns to school on Thursdays and Fridays. It will be a good change for her and everyone. I’m pleased we still have three days of home schooling together. We will miss her. The virus is still a threat, but I have faith that the school’s staff are doing all they can to minimise infection.

We made our own pizzas.

Though physically we have kept our distance, in some ways we are closer to people than ever. How could we not let others into our hearts with so much sickness and loss around us? And there is another virus which has plagued our society for too many years. We have watched the brutality and racism play out before us in the news. Often I feel helpless. What can I do? How can I show love and respect for my fellow humans in pain and fear and righteous anger? So I pray. I examine myself and ask God to search my heart, bring to light my own prejudices and bias. I try to educate myself.

In outrage, I share stories. I raise awareness amongst my friends and family. I realise my greatest power for change starts right here in my home. I teach my children to love and include people. I teach them that we are all made in God’s image. We are all worthy of love, respect, equal rights and freedom. No one should have to live in fear for their lives for the colour of their skin. I ask for wisdom. I vote and stand up for justice as much as possible. I draw near to God and as His word says, He draws near to me. (James 4:8)

If you are feeling overwhelmed or powerless in these difficult and uncertain times, draw near to the Source. Draw near to the light that is Jesus.

Day 3 of Home Schooling or “Mummy’s Rubbish Sheep”

So here we are. Day 3 of home schooling is in the bag. I have to admit it is pretty fun. I feared the schedule, however, the schedule has actually become my friend. I include activities Ivy would normally do and use material from her school website. We adapt as we go along. It’s nice to have a guideline and the kids seem to like knowing what we’re doing next. I try to leave a lot of space for play, especially for Albert who has not yet been to school.

Today Ivy was leading our art time, a master class in junk modelling. Albert and I were encouraged to make whatever we wanted with our egg cartons, oat bar boxes, tape, glue, feathers. Albert opted for a dinosaur with a paper towel roll neck. His name is “Norman.” Ivy designed her dream soft play place with her egg carton, pipe cleaners, and cotton balls. I grabbed the cotton balls too which I glued all over half an egg carton to make a sheep. I thought it was clever and a little cute. Ivy said very casually, “It’s rubbish.” I was stunned! I guess we can’t all be master sculptors.

While Ivy gets full marks for honesty, we will need to work on her sensitivity to others! Tomorrow Albert is going to lead our music time. I sure hope he likes my singing. Gulp!

“A cheerful heart is good medicine…” Proverbs 17:22a (NLT)

Ivy’s soft play, my “rubbish” sheep, and Albert’s dinosaur, Norman.
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Day 1 of Social Distancing or God I Need Patience and a lot of Glitter Glue

Hello. It is the end of our first day of social distancing. It was so sunny and beautiful outside. Springtime is here and unaware of our collective plight. Yesterday was Ivy’s last day of school and really our last day of normal. Albert our youngest keeps asking when we are going to meet somebody or when he will have play group. We’ve talked about germs and sickness and really tried to explain the out break on a 2 and 4 year old level. I had somewhat of a plan for today: painting rainbows, cartoons, and making Rice Krispie treats. (The treats were a disaster as I had to leave the stove to break up a fight between the kids.) But I am getting ahead of myself.

Thursday I stocked up on paints and art supplies as I want to keep Ivy and Albert busy during this unusual amount of time at home. Within hours of bringing in my shopping, most of the glitter glue was gone! Ivy made good bye notes for a few of her school friends and Albert followed along creating art! I thought to myself that this is going to be a long haul. 

Today started so beautifully with breakfast and giggles and colourful paint brushes (all water washable.) We played outside in the sun with Daddy in a park. We also helped our Church Sunday Club by dropping off flowers on doorsteps. And some church goers were home and said hello at a distance. (Tomorrow is Mother’s Day in England.) The kids loved making deliveries. Naps were hard to achieve and the afternoon/early evening were wrought with meltdowns and bickering. So we did yoga stretches while I cooked an easy nugget and pasta with frozen veggies for their dinner. And breathe.

Tonight, I had my own mini meltdown as I looked at Ivy’s class page for home learning. The reality of all that has been happening over the past few weeks came crashing down on me. I have to teach my child and come up with lessons and entertain the younger child. I can’t get back to America if my parents or family members get sick or need me. We have to stay in and avoid contact with you know everyone! Not to mention people are so sick and dying. Many are overworked while others have lost their jobs.  Look, God I need You big time!!

”For I am the Lord your God 
who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13 (NIV)

I share all this to say we are in this together all in the same place. How oddly unifying?! And Christ is with us too. God is here extending His mighty hand to us. Lord, I grab ahold of You. Please help! Help us to pray for each other and lift each other up.

Today held many high highs and low lows. It is the first of many days like this one.  While I have no idea where to begin as Mommy/Teacher, I will keep looking up and focusing on the highs. All things considered, we are very blessed.

I won’t bore anyone with our day by day hour by hour home dramas! But I will try to blog some encouragement from time to time. Please comment or leave a prayer request. Good night and God bless.