Happy Thanksgiving

We really have a lot to be thankful for this year. I was happy to celebrate Thanksgiving with our family of four and my family in America through video chats. I also enjoyed introducing our kids to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. Our joys are shadowed by Covid 19 and the events of this year. But I really believe a thankful heart is a happy heart. We are healthy and safe. We have each other. We are far from loved ones and may have to wait a long time to see them in person. I am thankful for the technology that brings us together. Of course we are always in each other’s hearts.

Yummy Thanksgiving dinner!

A Litany of Thank Yous

Our only Thanksgiving picture, Pumpkin butter pie!

As I lay in bed having just had a nice hot shower, both children are asleep, and my husband tunes the Christmas radio station, I am thankful. I am thankful that we had a wonderful Thanksgiving meal last night with dear friends. I am thankful to God for helping me through a busy week of school runs, speech and doctor appointments, play group and activities. I am so grateful for the nurse practitioner for seeing my youngest who has a little ear infection and me today.  I am grateful for health care and medicine. I am also thankful that said nurse practitioner had good tips for supplements and boosts for the stay-at-home mummy trenches. He reminded me that I need to take care of myself too.

I have so many things to be grateful for that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Husband, kids, family, friends, faith, church family, able body, warm house, food, hot running water, a good car, good school and community for our kids. I could go on and on. God is amazing, good and true. I am so grateful to God.

There is room for all of us in God’s kingdom. Take that in a minute. All ( and I do mean all people) are loved  and wanted by God. No race is more important than another to God. No nation is more important than another. No sex is of greater value. We don’t need to pay for His love or earn it.  We couldn’t afford God’s love anyway! His love is infinite and freely given. I thank God for Jesus, the embodiment of His love. Christmas is coming! I am thankful.

”For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11


Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours. I think this holiday is really special. It is a whole day set aside to be grateful.  It is time for friends and family to come together. I am truly thankful for our blessings. We had a really nice day today with good food and time together as a family of three. I appreciate my husband making an effort to celebrate with me knowing that it isn’t his thing. I am grateful for the beautiful flowers he brought me this morning. I am so thankful for Ivy Grace’s giggles, squeals, and joy. I am also grateful that I was able to video chat with my family in America and share in their holiday. I miss them more than they know, but I appreciate our connection no matter the distance. We are healthy. Our bellies are full of turkey and we have a nice roof over our heads. Sometimes it is so easy to get down about things in life. Whenever I catch myself in a bad mood or having a bad attitude, all I need to do is find something I can be thankful for to turn it around. In these uncertain times, I am grateful that God is in control. God is good and He doesn’t change. I am thankful for His unending love, mercy, and grace. He is so patient with me. Tonight I feel wrapped in His love.

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) I love this scripture. I especially like that it says to “give thanks in all circumstances,” not for all circumstances. Even if I am in the midst of a problem, there is always a blessing to be mined. I hope you are enjoying this day and counting your blessings as well. If you are hurting and this Thanksgiving isn’t particularly a good one for you, I pray that God brings comfort to your heart. Good night.
